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Un(e) Superviseur(e) Magasin

  • Opportunité formidable de travailler pour une société pionnière à l’avant-garde de l’exploitation minière.
  • Rejoignez un réseau mondial et une équipe diversifiée où les gens sont encouragés à offrir des perspectives uniques et à développer des connaissances et des liens.
  • Poste basé à Fort Dauphin – Madagascar

Au sujet du poste.

Trouver de meilleures façons de fournir les matériaux dont le monde a besoin.

Nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) Superviseur(e) de Magasin pour rejoindre notre équipe. Votre rôle consistera à gérer les opérations en assurant une bonne organisation du travail au sein du magasin. Vous veillerez à une gestion efficace des produits entreposés et à la disponibilité permanente des articles requis pour les opérations. Vous aurez également pour mission de maintenir un climat favorable et de garantir une performance optimale au sein du magasin.

Rattaché(e) au Supply Lead, vos principales responsabilités consisteront à :

  1. Vérifier la bonne codification des articles reçus et stockés au magasin.
  2. Assurer que la quantité en stock indiquée dans le système reflète la réalité sur le terrain.
  3. Garantir la conformité des articles reçus au magasin.
  4. Veiller à ce que tous les mouvements d’articles stockés soient bien documentés et suivis.
  5. Planifier l’inspection périodique des actifs nécessitant des maintenances préventives, conformément aux recommandations d’un ingénieur fiabiliste.
  6. Analyser et optimiser l’espace de stockage, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur du bâtiment du magasin central.
  7. Préparer les commandes en fonction du traitement des réservations.
  8. Gérer la performance de l’équipe et veiller à maintenir un bon climat social.

Votre contribution :

  • Un état d’esprit HSE qui prend en compte la sécurité et le bien-être des membres de l’équipe.
  • Titulaire d’un diplôme de Licence, de préférence en Logistique ou équivalent.
  • Connaissance des processus d’approvisionnement et de gestion de stock.
  • Maîtrise de RTBS / SAP.
  • La connaissance d’un Système de Gestion de Base de Données (SGBD) sera un atout.
  • Au moins 6 années d’expérience dans le domaine de la gestion de magasin.
  • Expérience dans la gestion de magasin en zone industrielle.
  • Solide expérience en matière de coaching et de leadership.
  • Maîtrise du logiciel Excel (niveau avancé) et du pack Office.
  • Très bonne maîtrise de la langue française.
  • La certification en gestion de projet serait un atout majeur.

Ce que nous offrons

  • Un environnement de travail où la sécurité est toujours la priorité numéro un.
  • Un accès permanent à des programmes de santé et de soins médicaux, à des régimes de retraite et à des plans d’épargne favorables à la famille.
  • Des congés pour toutes les raisons de la vie (vacances/année, congés parentaux payés, congés de maladie)

À propos de Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto est un chef de file mondial du secteur des sociétés minières et des matériaux. Nous sommes établis dans 35 pays où nous produisons du minerai de fer, du cuivre, de l’aluminium, des minéraux critiques et d’autres matériaux nécessaires à la transition énergétique mondiale et à la prospérité des personnes, des communautés et des nations. Nous exerçons nos activités depuis 150 ans, en nous appuyant sur les connaissances accumulées au fil des générations et sur les différents continents. Notre mission – trouver de meilleures façons de fournir les matériaux dont le monde a besoin – nous guide dans notre quête d’innovation et d’amélioration continue, dans le but de fabriquer des produits à faibles émissions et répondant aux bonnes normes environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance. Mais comme nous ne pouvons pas y arriver seuls, nous nous attachons à créer des partenariats nous permettant de résoudre des problèmes, de créer des situations mutuellement avantageuses et de saisir des occasions.

A propos de QMM

QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) est un chef de file mondial de l’extraction de sables de minéraux lourds et la plus grande exploitation de sables minéraux à Madagascar. Situé près de Fort Dauphin à la pointe sud-est de Madagascar, QMM extrait depuis 2009 de l’ilménite et compte parmi ses sous-produits le zirsill et le sable contenant de la monazite. QMM mobilise actuellement 500 salariés et 1500 prestataires de services sur le site.

Chaque voix compte
Chez Rio Tinto, nous accueillons favorablement et encourageons les candidatures d’Autochtones, de femmes, de membres de la communauté LGBTQ2S+, de travailleurs âgés, de personnes handicapées et de représentants d’origines diverses.

Nous sommes déterminés à créer un milieu inclusif où les employés se sentent à l’aise d’être eux-mêmes. Nous souhaitons de plus que chacun ait l’impression que sa voix compte, que toutes les cultures sont respectées et que les points de vue, aussi variés soient-ils, sont non seulement bienvenus, mais également essentiels à notre succès. Nous nous traitons mutuellement avec équité et dignité, sans égard à la race, au genre, à la nationalité, à l’origine ethnique, à la religion, à l’âge, à l’orientation sexuelle ou à tout autre aspect distinctif. 

Travailler chez Rio Tinto, c’est aussi choisir de faire partie d’une entreprise désignée comme l’un des 100 meilleurs employeurs du Canada en 2023 et ce pour une 4e année consécutive. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6999492564030554112/ 



Warehouse Supervisor

  • Join a leading global company.
  • Supporting critical hires for Rio Tinto’s Leadership team
  • Role based in Tolagnaro,Madagascar.

About the role

Finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs.

We are looking for a Warehouse Supervisor to join our team. Your role will consist of managing operations by ensuring good organization of work within the warehouse. You will ensure efficient management of stored products and the constant availability of items required for operations. Additionally, you will be responsible for maintaining a favorable climate and ensuring optimal performance within the warehouse.

Reporting to the Supply Lead, your main responsibilities will include:

  1. Verifying the proper coding of items received and stored in the warehouse.
  2. Ensuring that the stock quantity indicated in the system reflects the reality on the ground.
  3. Ensuring the conformity of items received in the warehouse.
  4. Ensuring that all movements of stocked items are well documented and tracked.
  5. Planning the periodic inspection of assets requiring preventive maintenance, in accordance with the recommendations of a reliability engineer.
  6. Analyzing and optimizing storage space, both inside and outside the central warehouse building.
  7. Preparing orders based on the processing of reservations.
  8. Managing team performance and ensuring a good social climate.

What you’ll bring

  • An HSE mindset that considers the safety and well-being of team members.
  • An HSE mindset that takes into account the safety and well-being of team members.
  • Holder of a Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Logistics or equivalent.
  • Knowledge of procurement and stock management processes.
  • Proficiency in RTBS / SAP.
  • Knowledge of a Database Management System (DBMS) would be an asset.
  • At least 6 years of experience in warehouse management.
  • Experience in managing warehouses in an industrial zone.
  • Strong experience in coaching and leadership.
  • Proficiency in Excel (advanced level) and the Office suite.
  • Very good command of the French language.
  • Project management certification would be a significant asset.

What we offer

  • A work environment where safety is always the number one priority.
  • Ongoing access to family-friendly health and medical programs, pension, and savings plans
  • Leave for all of life’s reasons (vacation/annual, paid parental, sick leave)

About Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto is a global leader in the mining and materials industry. We are based in 35 countries where we produce iron ore, copper, aluminum, critical minerals and other materials necessary for the global energy transition and the prosperity of individuals, communities and nations. We have been operating for 150 years, drawing on knowledge accumulated over generations and on different continents. Our mission – finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs – guides us in our quest for innovation and continuous improvement, with the goal of producing products that are low emitting and meet the right environmental, social and governance standards. But because we can’t do it alone, we focus on creating partnerships that allow us to solve problems, create mutually beneficial situations and seize opportunities.

About QMM

QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) is a world leader in heavy mineral sands extraction and the largest mineral sands operation in Madagascar. Located near Fort Dauphin at the south-eastern tip of Madagascar, QMM has been extracting ilmenite since 2009 and includes zirsill and monazite-containing sand among its by-products. QMM employs a workforce of 2,000 people, including 500 employees and 1,500 contractors.

Every Voice Matters

At Rio Tinto, we particularly welcome and encourage applications from Indigenous people, women, the LGBTI+ community, mature workers, people with disabilities and people from different cultural backgrounds.

We are committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or anything else that makes us different. 

Working at Rio Tinto also means choosing to be part of a company designated as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers in 2023 for a 4th consecutive year. For more information, click here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6999447814468497408


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Take your leadership career to the next level.

Where can Rio Tinto take you?

You’re passionate and ambitious with tremendous career aspirations. The breadth and growth of our organisation empowers you to define your ideal career path.

Take a look at Katie’s career journey

Take a look at Amy’s career journey

Rio Tinto employee Shona Markham

Rio Tinto employee Amy

  • 2022 - Present
    Manager Projects - Energy Development
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • 2021
    Superintendent Operations Centre
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • 2020
    Development / Drill and Blast Superintendent
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2019
    Deputy Quarry Manager
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2018
    Development Supervisor
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2017
    Senior Engineer of Drill, Blast and Survey
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2016
    Production Engineer
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2015
    Mine scheduler - 2 week planner
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2014
    Drill and Blast Engineer
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2012
    Graduate Mining Engineer
    Pilbara, Western Australia
  • 2022 – Present
    Principal Advisor – Operations Projects
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2018
    Port Operations and Maintenance
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2015
    Superintendent Railway Asset Reliability and Planning
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2014
    Chief Engineer Execution – Port Facilities & Rolling Stock
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2007
    Project Manager – Port Facilities and Rolling Stock
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2006
    Primary Ore Field Maintenance – Team Leader
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada
  • 2005
    Project Engineering – Project Engineer Grad Development Program
    Sept-Îles, Quebec, Canada

Working at Rio Tinto

Help us deliver the materials that make human progress possible.

The plane you’re flying in just landed. You fire up your phone and get your laptop out of the overhead bin. Immediately, you’re in work mode – thousands of miles from your office. Do you ever stop to think about all the materials that make life in the 21st century possible? At Rio Tinto, we discover, develop and deliver the materials that drive human progress. When you work with us, you’ll experience advantages you won’t find anywhere else.

Working in a technical role at Rio Tinto

Your advanced expertise will help drive human progress.

We’ve developed technical capabilities through nearly 150 years of discovering, planning, and operating mines in every corner of the world. We’re an open, connected international team of technical specialists using some of the most sophisticated tools and robust data on the planet. Join us and experience:

Meaningful work

We’re industry innovators – driving responsible progress and exploring the boundaries of everything we do. And we work hard to leave a lasting, positive legacy for everywhere we work. Nothing could be more rewarding.

Three female Rio Tinto employees smiling while sitting at a table under a tree

Opportunities for growth

With a business as expansive and diverse as ours, the opportunities for professional advancement are limitless. We’ll work with you to create a career plan, develop your skills, and further your education.

Female Rio Tinto worker holding hard hat and standing a railing

Excellent compensation and benefits

We offer great pay as well as a benefits package that recognises your contributions and provides you with everything you need to enjoy a truly rewarding life.

Man playing with daughter in the sand on a beach


Though we’re continually focused on discovering, developing, and delivering the materials that make human progress possible, the safety and wellbeing of our employees have been and always will be our bottom line.

Rio Tinto employee wearing jacket, hard hat and respirator

Inspiring people and an empowering culture

Whatever our individual roles, we’re each here to contribute to extremely important work. And we do it together. We inspire, encourage, empower and truly care for each other.

Two male Rio Tinto employees in jackets and hard hats in front of a processing plant - one employee is placing his hand on the other's shoulder

A commitment to inclusion and diversity

We’re committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity and value our differences for the strength and diversity they bring to our organisation.

Close-up of a line of work boots with rainbow-colored laces on clay soil


The safety and well-being of our employees have been and always will be our priority. We do the work only if it is safe, and we invest to make sure every member of our team has the quality tools they need to do their job.

Rio Tinto employee wearing jacket, hard hat and respirator

Quality of life

Our rosters are designed to provide you with the flexibility you need to balance your work life with your home life, your family, and your other outside interests and commitments.

Male Rio Tinto employee with his smiling family, holding his son

Opportunities for growth

With a business as expansive and diverse as ours, the opportunities for professional advancement are limitless. We’ll work with you to create a career plan, develop your skills, and further your education.

Three smiling Rio Tinto employees wearing hard hats and protective eye wear enjoying a conversation

Meaningful work

We’re industry innovators – driving responsible progress and exploring the boundaries of everything we do. And we work hard to leave a lasting, positive legacy for everywhere we work. Nothing could be more rewarding.

Smiling female employee wearing a hard hat and goggles in front of industrial equipment

A commitment to inclusion and diversity

We’re committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity, and value our differences for the strength and diversity they bring to our organisation.

Close-up of a line of work boots with rainbow-colored laces on clay soil

Quality of life

We’re committed to providing you with the flexibility you need to balance your work life with your home life, your family, and your other outside interests, passions, and commitments.

Female Rio Tinto employee and her son playing foosball in an arcade

People and culture

Whatever our individual roles, we’re each here to contribute to extremely important work. And we do it together. We inspire, encourage, empower and truly care for each other.

Three smiling Rio Tinto employees gathered around a small conference table

Opportunities for growth

With a business as expansive and diverse as ours, the opportunities for professional advancement are limitless. We’ll work with you to create a career plan, develop your skills, and further your education.

Female Rio Tinto employee is business casual clothing presenting to large group in auditorium

Meaningful work

We’re industry innovators – driving responsible progress and exploring the boundaries of everything we do. And we work hard to leave a lasting, positive legacy for everywhere we work. Nothing could be more rewarding.

Female Rio Tinto employee in high technology center writing on glass board

A commitment to inclusion and diversity

We’re committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or anything else that makes us different.

Female Rio Tinto employee in foreground working on laptop with other employees in the background

Inspiring people and an empowering culture

Whatever our individual roles, we’re each here to contribute to extremely important work. And we do it together. We inspire, encourage, empower and truly care for each other as we live out the values and deliver the performance that defines Rio Tinto.

Diverse group of smiling Rio Tinto employees standing over table looking at project plans

Meaningful work

You’ll be joining a global technical community with the best tools and data at your fingertips. We are innovation leaders and are committed to advancing the promise of a more sustainable world. Nothing could be more rewarding.

Two male Rio Tinto employees controlling large, state-of-the-art drone

Quality of life

Enjoy efficient and effective work processes with strong support to help you balance your other interests and commitments.

Male Rio Tinto employee with his smiling family, holding his son

Opportunities for growth

With a business as expansive and diverse as ours, the opportunities for professional advancement are limitless. Our technical development programs are industry-leading and enable you to grow your career through a dedicated technical path while being rewarded for your unique skills.

A male and a female Rio Tinto employee are at a project site and looking at a computer tablet

A commitment to inclusion and diversity

We’re committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity and value our differences for the strength and diversity they bring to our organisation.

Close-up of a line of work boots with rainbow-colored laces on clay soil

Opportunities for learning and development

You can build on your education with real-world work that makes a difference. With our Global Development Program and other key initiatives, you’ll help shape the future of Rio Tinto as you enhance your professional potential and broaden your career options. You’ll network with experienced industry leaders and expand your knowledge base through many specific development activities.

Two Rio Tinto employees look on as a third employee writes on a white board

Meaningful work

You’ll get to work on a variety of assignments that present exciting challenges and complexity. If you receive rotations, you’ll also participate in many different roles, teams, and environments.

A female Rio Tinto professional in business attire sitting at a desk in an office setting

A focus on sustainability

You’ll be able to play a significant role in sustainability initiatives and help us develop global solutions for environmental and climate change challenges.

Wind turbine in field of flowering bushes

Inspiring people and an empowering culture

You’ll experience the benefits of our unique culture. Our leadership is active, engaged, supportive, and ready to help you translate your education into a rewarding career.

Diverse group of Rio Tinto employees walking through industrial building

A commitment to Inclusion and Diversity

We’re committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity and value our differences for the strength and diversity they bring to our organisation.

Close-up of a line of work boots with rainbow-colored laces on clay soil

Life at Rio Tinto

We’re a mining and metals company with operations in 35 countries around the world. We work in an incredible variety of settings – in mines, smelters, and refineries; in sales offices and data centres; in research facilities and development labs; and with artificial intelligence. All of this adds up to tremendously varied lifestyle options. We’ll work with you to determine the lifestyle opportunities that are available for your role.



You’ll be part of a friendly, welcoming community close to our mining operation. You’ll be home after each shift to enjoy your life away from work.



Flying into a site, staying at a camp for the duration of your roster, then flying home again. We call this FIFO.



For certain sites, you will take a bus or a boat into the site, stay at a camp, and then bus or boat out again.


Operations Centre

Advanced facilities in certain regions enable our teams to control some systems remotely.


City hubs

State-of-the-art offices connect you seamlessly with colleagues around the world.


Our application process



The first thing you’ll need to do is apply to the role. You can do this with your LinkedIn profile or you can upload your resume. We’ll also ask you to complete a few questions before you submit your application.


Undergo assessments

Our assessments are designed to help us work out whether you are suitable for the role. We will let you know which ones you’ll need to complete.



Our interviews could be in person or online. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know you a bit better, answer any of your questions and talk about the exciting career opportunity you have applied for.


Offers and checks

At this stage, we will let you know if you have been successful. If you have been, we’ll need to conduct a couple of checks, such as a background or security check. You may also need to do a medical assessment depending on the role you have applied for.


Join the Rio Tinto team

Once the checks have been completed, we’ll be in touch to talk with you about your start date and answer any questions you may have before you start with us.



The first thing you’ll need to do is apply to the role. You can do this with your LinkedIn profile or you can upload your resume. We’ll also ask you to complete a few questions before you submit your application.


Undergo assessments

Our assessments are designed to help us work out whether you are suitable for the role. We will let you know which ones you’ll need to complete.



Our interviews could be in person or online. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know you a bit better, answer any of your questions and talk about the exciting career opportunity you have applied for.


Offers and checks

At this stage, we will let you know if you have been successful. If you have been, we’ll need to conduct a couple of checks, such as a background or security check. You may also need to do a medical assessment. depending on the role. you have applied for.


Join the Rio Tinto team

Once the checks have been completed, we’ll be in touch to talk with you about your start date and answer any questions you may have before you start with us.

Your questions answered

Your questions answered

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