Artisan: Millwright (Shift)
Be part of a group that is safety driven and values inclusion
Permanent employment which includes a huge range of additional benefits
Location: Richards Bay, South Africa
About the role
Finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs.
We are looking for an Artisan: Millwright, to perform preventative electrical, mechanical and process control maintenance to achieve optimal plant availability by reducing downtime and breakdowns.
This is a great opportunity for a candidate that has a sound knowledge of heavy industrial equipment used to transport, move, hoist, excavate, etc. This developed through a combination of practical experience and formal training and can demonstratively apply this knowledge in the workplace. A candidate that is safety driven and consistently looks for new initiatives and ways of working, while preparing the organisation to accept change.
Every hour of every shift, your safety and wellbeing is our number one priority. We do the work only if it is safe, and we invest to make sure every member of the team has the quality tools they need to do their job.
Reporting to the Maintenance Controller, you will:
Inspect, repair and maintain assets and equipment to minimize adverse impact on production.
Oversee, assist and support maintenance jobs of servicepersons when required.
Perform condition monitoring, fault finding and problem solving on mechanical, electrical and PCS equipment during shift duties.
Perform fair and reasonable tasks related to the job and working environment, at the discretion of the Maintenance Controller / Supervisor.
To record job statistics including non-hours, duration, failure mode, failure root cause, parts used important observations etc on the specified documentation, with utmost tidiness, care and accuracy.
To accept “technical ownership” of breakdown situations and to manage all aspects corrective work up to the point of resolution or escalation.
Comply with SHEQ- and technical requirements, in line with Plant availability targets.
Monitor, identify and respond to defects and / or sub-standard equipment performance and other improvement opportunities.
What you’ll bring
A commitment to the safety of yourself and the team you work with.
Matric (with Pure Mathematics and Physical Science)/ N4 (with all four subjects) – (attach certificate).
Millwright Trade Test (attach certificate)
Valid South African Drivers’ License (attach certificate)
5 years practical work experience post millwright trade test within a Heavy industry environment
Relevant exposure to maintenance of general plant equipment
What is expected with your application
Please provide; clear and visible copies of your issued certificates and licence must be attached with your application, failure to do so will result in your application being unsuccessful and an automatic regret of your application.
Only complete academic certificates issued in accordance with Section, 17(A) of Act 58 of 2001 will be considered with your application. All application with only statement of results will be automatically disqualified.
Only online applications will be considered, any other applications will not be accepted.
As an applicant, please ensure you read and answer all pre-screening questions carefully, any answered may negatively affect your application.
All communication from the Rio Tinto Recruitment team will be done online and/ through the provided mobile number, it is very important to make sure your application has the most recent contact details.
Please note that failure to satisfy all the minimum requirements will lead to your application not being considered.
What we offer
A safety-focused and inclusive working environment
Career development & education assistance to further your ambitions
Employee Assistance Program
Where you’ll be working
Certified as a Top Employer for 4 consecutive years, located in the Kwa-Zulu Natal province, Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) is part of the Rio Tinto Group and is an internationally recognised sand mining and mineral processing operations leader and one of the world's foremost producers of titanium minerals, high purity pig iron and zircon. We have implemented a sound corporate social development programme and an internationally recognised environmental rehabilitation programme to restore the mined dunes to their natural state once mining operations have ceased.
About Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto is a leading global mining and materials company. We operate in 35 countries where we produce iron ore, copper, aluminium, critical minerals, and other materials needed for the global energy transition and for people, communities, and nations to thrive.
We have been mining for 150 years and operate with knowledge built up across generations and continents. Our purpose is finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs – striving for innovation and continuous improvement to produce materials with low emissions and to the right environmental, social and governance standards. But we can’t do it on our own, so we’re focused on creating partnerships to solve problems, create win-win situations and meet opportunities.
Every Voice Matters
We are committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome – they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation and/ or anything else that makes us different.
At Rio Tinto, we particularly welcome and encourage applications from Women, the LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disabilities (PWD) and people from different cultural backgrounds.
We acknowledge that all people are different and believe that our differences are our strength. The diversity of skills, life experiences and perspectives within our teams enhance our way of working and our ability to achieve success together
Бид 150 гаруй жил уул уурхайн олборлолт хийж, олон тивд ажиллан хуримтлуулсан мэдлэгээрээ үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж байна. Бидний зорилго бол байгаль орчин, нийгэм, засаглалын стандартад нийцсэн, утаа бага ялгаруулдаг материал үйлдвэрлэхийн төлөө инновац, тасралтгүй сайжруулалтыг эрэлхийлж, дэлхийг хэрэгцээт материалаар хангахын тулд илүү боловсронгуй арга замыг хайж олох юм. Үүнийг бид дан ганцаар хийж чадахгүй тул асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх, харилцан ашигтай түншлэлийг бий болгоход анхаарлаа төвлөрүүлэн ажилладаг.
Удирдах ажилтны карьераа дараагийн шатанд аваач.
Рио Тинто таныг хааш нь хөтлөх вэ?
Та ажил мэргэжлийн асар их хүсэл тэмүүлэл болон амбицтай бол манай байгууллагын өргөн цар хүрээ, өсөлт нь танд карьерынхаа хамгийн тохиромжтой замналыг тодорхойлох боломжийг олгодог.
Кэтигийн карьерын замналыг харна уу
Шонагийн карьерын замналыг харна уу
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- 2014Өрөмдлөг, тэсэлгээний инженерПилбара, Баруун Австрали
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- 2004Шинэ төгсөгч инженерЛонсестон, Тасмани, Австрали
Рио Тинтод ажиллах
Хүн төрөлхтний хөгжил дэвшилд нэн чухал түүхий эдийг нийлүүлэхэд тусална.
Таны сууж буй онгоц дөнгөж газардлаа. Та утсаа асааж, зөөврийн компьютероо толгой дээрх гар тээшний савнаас гаргана. Та тэр даруй оффисын программаараа олон мянган милийн зайд ажиллах горимд шилжлээ. Та түр зогсосхийн 21-р зуунд амьдрах нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлж буй бүх материал, түүхий эдийн талаар бодож байсан уу? Рио Тинтогийн хамт олон бид хүн төрөлхтний хөгжил дэвшилд нэн чухал түүхийн эдийг олж нээн, уурхай байгуулж, нийлүүлж байна. Та бидэнтэй хамтран ажилласнаар өөр хаана ч байхгүй давуу талыг мэдрэх болно.
Миний өргөдлийн процесс
Өргөдөл гаргах:
Та юуны түрүүнд тухайн ажлын байранд өргөдөл гаргах хэрэгтэй болно. Та үүнийг LinkedIn профайлаараа хийж болно, эсвэл товч намтраа байршуулж болно. Бид мөн таныг өргөдлөө гаргахаас өмнө хэдэн асуулт бөглөхийг хүсэх болно.
Үнэлгээнд хамрагдах:
Манай үнэлгээ таныг тухайн ажил үүрэгт тохирох эсэхийг тодорхойлоход туслах зорилготой. Бид танд алийг нь бөглөх шаардлагатайг мэдэгдэнэ.
Бид ярилцлагыг биечлэн эсвэл онлайнаар хийж болно. Энэ нь бидний хувьд таныг илүү сайн таньж мэдэж, таны асуултад хариулж, таны өргөдөл гаргаж буй карьерын боломжийн талаар ярилцах сайхан боломж юм.
Санал ба шалгалт:
Энэ үе шатанд бид таныг сонгон шалгаруулалтад амжилттай тэнцсэн эсэхийг танд мэдэгдэх болно. Хэрэв та амжилттай тэнцсэн бол бид таны намтар эсвэл аюулгүй байдлын шалгалт гэх мэт хэд хэдэн шалгалтыг хийх шаардлагатай болно. Та мөн өргөдөл гаргасан ажлын байрнаасаа хамааран эмнэлгийн үзлэгт хамрагдах шаардлагатай байж магадгүй.
Рио Тинтогийн багт нэгдэх:
Шалгалт дууссаны дараа бид тантай холбогдож, ажиллаж эхлэх өдрийн талаар ярилцаж, таны бидэнтэй ажиллахаасаа өмнө асууж тодруулж болох аливаа асуултад хариулах болно.